Thursday, May 18, 2023

Spiritual Mediation Outline

Spiritual mediation

On this report I will discuss the three historical and contemporary amulets that i will be focusing on. The three Historical cultures I will touch on is Egypt, Hindu and Rome. For Egypt i will talk about the Ankh necklace amulet which is the symbol of life. For India i choose the Mahadevi tailsman  which serves the power of wealth, knowledge and forgiveness which is made of pure bronze  and lastly For Rome I choose the Bulla amulet which is a locket made of metal covered with a folded over piece of gold foil which protects against evil spirits and forces.

On the contemporary amulets I will touch on Shembe, Christianity and Egypt. The Shembe amulet i will touch on is The Fodo from the nazareth its is neck piece which serves as a protector from bad omens and is used for praying. With Christianity I choose the Rosary which has hail marys prayer and our father they help one wash away their sins when praying and lastly the ankh from egypt which is the symbol of life.

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