Horn bangel |
This is a horn bangel that draws inspiration from the imbadada sandals. With this bangel i applied the carving technique which is a signature design for making izimbadada. I also did up cycle and used the horn instead of making the whole bangel metal like how they reuse tires to make these sandals instead of using new material.
Sandals |
This is the AmaZulu sandals they are worn as part of the traditional Zulu footwear and worn by both men and women.They are known for their durability and sustainability as they are made of up cycle used tires.
In order for imbadada to achieve a new colour one has to carve until the Color underneath appears. With my horn bangel I carved throw the pattern in other to achieve the black colour showing through the patterns.
The above my bangal is inspired by my neighbours burglar guard pattern and the pattern are achieved through burning my knife and printing it to the Bangel in order to have the design taking from the Zulu ritual called ukugcaba which translates to cutting skin with razor to create facial patterns which signify the clan one belongs too. The process usually is cutting the skin with hot razor and putting ashes on it so it heals faster therefore the cuts look black.
Neighbour burglar guards |
Stitched horn earring |
The stitching is inspired by im Adana that have stitches a round them. The triangles on my pieces are meant not to be straight as imbadada are carved into free form shapes.
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