Monday, June 5, 2023

Traditional jewellery

Beaded Neckpiece

Cow Casted Sculpture And Beaded Necklace

My pieces relates to traditional jewellery as it can be passed down from generation to generation as it consists of sculptures which can be made into a pendant of an elderly family member who for example played a huge role or bought wealth into to the family and that pendant can be seen as a talisman that attracts wealth and can be passed down to generations. Most pieces are  influenced by Zulu Religion and other African Cultures within the African Continent. My jewellery relates to traditional jewellery because it signifies what Africans mostly value such as beads and cattles as they indicate ones status , role in society and most importantly serve as a source of food and clothing. My jewellery connects to traditional jewellery as it uses the same material used to make traditional jewellery such as horns, animal teeth and sculptures but now in a size that is accommodating to be worn everyday and precious metals such as silver and gold are included in order to add value so the jewellery appreciates with time and serve as portable wealth when crisis approach.

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