Monday, July 31, 2023

End of semester reflection


Reflecting on first semester 

Reflecting on first semester I think things were quite tricky, mainly because I felt like I understood what was needed from me and I thought in my interview I explained what my concept was about and I thought I was clear but I believe if I explained my self a little bit more I would have not experienced such academic stress.

With our last exhibition I was disappointed with the feedback I got as i thought with the pieces that I made and the show and tells I did on Thursdays made me feel as if I was in the right track with my concept for the year.. However I will blame myself for not blogging more as well as not including my splash page for my first exhibition. I believe putting my splash page would have made my display much easier to understand. I will say the feedback i got from my second exhibition quite helped me with understanding how to come about presenting my work.

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